Everyone loves the luscious, creamy and summertime taste of beanie weenies! You know it’s the first thing you go after at a potluck dinner and I don’t blame you! Therefore, I gotta show you how to make beanie weenies!

It’s absolutely fool-proof, totally easy, and incredibly budget friendly too. Plus, it tastes much, much better than those little cans of beanie weenies. You will rarely find me without a can of Bush’s Baked Beans in my pantry for the sole purpose of this little recipe.

Dinner arrives on the table in record time with minimal effort, perfect for a quick homemade meal after a long day’s work – or when you don’t have much time. Heck, it’s even good when you do have plenty of time because it gives you more time for you.


Who could possibly resist those chunks of charred hot dogs and those saucy almost tomatoey beans! The secret is to start with the right beans, add the right spices and flavorings and choose the correct hot dogs and then, cook them just right!


1 (16 ounce) package hot dogs , cut into 1/4-inch slices
1 (28 ounce) can baked beans
2/3 cup ketchup

To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipe, Please Open The Next Page.