Cabbage Soup – Sweet and Sour


1 medium head of cabbage
6 large celery ribs
1 lb carrot
4 onions
2(28 ounce) cans tomatoes with juice
1(46 ounce) can tomato juice(or V8)
6 -8beef bouillon cubes
1 teaspoon citric acid (sour salt)
4(1 g) packets Sweet ‘n Low or 4 (1 g) packets another sweetener
black pepper
salt, if desired (optional)


Cut up all the veggies, put everything in a very large pot, cover with water, and cook at least 3 hours, until everything is very soft.
Taste for seasoning – judge sour and sweet separately to see weather to add more citric acid or sweetener. I usually do add plenty more of each, until it is delicious.
Don’t even bother cutting the core out of the cabbage – it cooks down with everything else and will be delicious. Really.
Measurements can be approximate. Feel free to adjust for what you like or have on hand. I know I always have a glass of the juice before pouring it into the pot.

Speaking of the juice, I don’t remember it being part of the original recipe, but I always add it for tomatoey taste and body.
Sometimes, my Nana added green peppers. Her recipe also mentioned to serve with “rice and veal balls”, although I don’t actually remember her doing this. What could be bad?.
When I am not on a diet, I add brown sugar instead of the sweet-and-low.
Oops – I Totally had to Estimate how many servings. But this does mostly fill my 10 quart pot, and then cook off a little, so I will est. 18 servings – your mileage will vary;-).
